
Showing posts from January, 2015

Busy Weekend

I didn't get to post this weekend. I were busy with my miniature friends on Saturday and Sunday we decided to prune the ugly tangerine tree, the grapefruit tree and the crape Myrtle tree. Then off to the market for steaks, back home to cook them and off to bed since my hubby had to go to work and I had jury duty Monday morning. While I was at jury duty doing a lot of sitting I completed a tile. Dragonaire is the star of this design When I got home I watched the latest episode of Downton Abbey and worked on an oval matboard Zendala. Okay, I also watched Revenge, Resurrection and the British Baking Show. But I was able to finish this Zendala. This one might have to grow on me. So that's my quick post for tonight. Now to open the goodies from the glitter swap I participated in.

Bijou Fun

Bijou Tiles Bijou is a little snail (fictional of course) that traveled back from Paris with Rick and Maria. He has delighted in drawing his own tangles in the garden and as a result the perfect 2" tile was born. I had several little Bijou tiles on my desk that were screaming at me to work with them! Please! So I did. I tried out a couple of new tangles on them. But they needed more. So I shaded them. Still not working for me. Light Bulb! Water color pencils! Brilliant! And this is what I ended up with! 3 little Bijou's all in a row. 3 little Bijou's I'm off to work on a dollhouse project with a friend this afternoon and club meeting Saturday! Those are on my other blog . Have a great weekend and create something exciting!

Something Easy

This was just way too cool not to share with you. Somewhere in the North Carolina forest live a group of the magical balls. I want one... Today, I worked on 2 Zendalas. I finished them both. One is on a 3.5" tile and the other is 7" wide.I am only posting one of them tonight. Prepping for the larger one! There has to be a better way to get good pictures. Guess I'll have to start playing with my camera now. Hope you had a wonderful day. I did!

Weekend Zendala

I had a busy weekend, except for Sunday. Well going to the grocery store was time consuming and then I had to come home and put everything in it's place. I got out my Derwent Intense Blocks and played with my art journal for a little while. The colors stay so intense and I like their buttery smooth feel. Can't wait to get the watercolor pencil set they have. I did semi finish the zendala I have been working on. Not sure what else I want or need to do to it. Probably just cut it out and see if I can sell it. If anyone wants to buy it. If not I can hang it in my home. This one reminds me of Art Deco. I could add some more Diva Dance Rocknroll but probably won't Monday I have to work on a miniature project for our club meeting this Saturday. Those posts will be on my other blog at The Life of Terri, CZT . Hope you create something wonderful this week. And share it with me. I'd love to see what you do!

Friday Night Fast Draw

Today was busy and I was out of the studio most of the day. I watched my great niece and nephew so my niece could sleep before working the night shift. We played with paper dolls with magnetic clothing, played a My Little Pony game, which we won this time, and watched an episode of Pee Wee's Playhouse on Netflix. I did manage to tangle a little piece, though. I love the layered look and how shading adds dimension. This is a little 4" x 2" tangle done in my journal. Someone had done a beautiful tangle using n'zepple in a circular string. I used n'zepple in the 3 middle tangle areas and they all came out unique. 3 n'zepples all in a row! I am working in my journal while watching a video on YouTube teaching me to draw plants. And I played around with cutting out a snowflake to create a mandala. I also prepared for my class at the Art Center Saturday morning. I have 7 students so far and could have a couple of walk ins. YES! So back to the video before...

Winter in South Texas

Today has been cold and damp. No sunshine. I did manage to purchase some great frames at a good price. I bought 2 that will hold my Opus tiles nicely. I have only done 1 Opus tile so far but have some more to play with.And if I plan on selling my artwork it needs a nice frame in which to be displayed. I returned home and sat on the loveseat and watched a couple of TV shows I had recorded. And of course I drew in one of my journals. Still need to do something to this, perhaps add a little color but I like how it is now. Not a lot of depth but I like the design. Zentangle on a winters day. Don't think your eyes are going blurry. I photographed the tile with my Surface and was able to blur the edges just ever so slightly for a softer, wintery feel. Right... Back to the studio to work on a Zendala I started recently. Very Art Deco feel to it. And it will look great in one of those new frames. Thanks for stopping by. Now go create something for yourself!

It's Alive!

At least that is what once person said about the Zendala I posted on Facebook. Today I played around with an idea one of my fellow CZT's shared with us. I created a Zendala. There are plenty of patterns on Pinterest and other sites. I used one from The Bright Owl . My finished Zendala Next I made 2 copies of the finished Zendala. I cut out 1 and left it whole. The next layer I cut off the long triangular shade and the half circle shapes. I made 2 copies of this piece. Then I cut off the larger outer triangles pieces. From the remaining piece I cut the barber-pole pieces and the center piece. I put pop-dots between the layers and stacked them. I curved the little barber-pole pieces slightly for more depth.     Side view shows the slight elevation of each level. I will be mounting this piece (with pop dots on the back) to a piece of black background and putting it in a square frame. The barber-pole pieces really stand out. I also used my glitter pen a...

Weekend Zendala

I found time to work on this Zendala while I was at the Itty Bitty Retreat at The Retreat House in Rockport, Texas. It was fun for my miniature friends to watch as this Zendala developed before their eyes. Once the shading was added it really seemed to pop. The depth really improves the more I look at it. Itty Bitty Retreat Zendala! I have a plan for this and I'm off to the studio to put my plan into action! Watch for a follow up post! Now it's your turn to go tangle something exciting!

Special day...

Did you know if you click on any of the pictures they will open into a larger format and you can really see some great detail? It has been a weekend full of activity for me. Before I forget, the wonderful folks at Zentangle posted our CZT16 group shot. Recognize anyone you know? That's me in the front bottom right wearing a pink shirt.   CZT 16. See anyone you know? I spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday at The Retreat House in Rockport, Texas where I attended the Itty Bitty January Retreat. Ten ladies met to build a beach cottage on stilts. It sits on the beach and has water and sand and some teeny tiny sea shells. I haven't filled the inside with all the goodies yet but wanted to share what I have so far as I promised you yesterday. This is done in 1/4" scale. A side view shows the steps complete with a rope banister. Lots of windows to let in the South Texas sunshine! Somebody left the screen door ajar! I also did a bit of tangling during...

Finished a little late

I am at the Itty Bitty Retreat in Rockport, Texas.  We are creating a quarter inch beach cottage on stilts. Very cute! I did find some time to tangle. I finished up a challenge from last week by adding some color for accents.  I am really enjoying using my watercolor pencils. In my rendition I used Rick's Paradox and Schway. I am unable to post the picture for some strange computer reason. I will post it Sunday afternoon when I get home.  Please bear with me.  As  treat I will also show you my little beach cottage.  I hope you will atop back by then. Back to the beach for now. Terri Schway and Ricks Paradox

Baby, it's cold outside!

Many of my friends are covered in snow and ice and tons of cold winter weather right now. I have lived all over the United States of America and I can honestly say been there, done that. I live in South Texas and we experience cold weather once in a while. Our winter's are mild and I've seen it snow here one time in 2004. That was wonderful! Snow fell over our city on Christmas Eve and everybody woke to a 6-10" snowfall. It was really nice because it was all gone by Christmas night. No dirty snow, no sludge, just beautiful! So far this winter we are having cold days more often. It has been in the lower to mid 40's, cloudy and windy. Sprinkle in a few days of weather in the 50's and sunshine just to get our hopes up for the 70 degree weather. But I like it! Today's high is 47, cloudy with 20mph winds out of the northeast. 60% chance of rain. I love it! So in honor of the cold winds blowing around me I played with a tutorial from A Little Lime . I love ...

Feels Like the First Time...

I always liked that song and all the others by Foreigner. This project is first time for me. I have been following Adele Bruno and the It's a String part on her blog. I decided to start working on more tiles instead of a journal so I start submitting my interpretation of tangles, too. I submitted a tangle to Tickled to Tangle . I need to use 3 tangles: Kiss by Katie Booth, Lealad by Lily Moon and Twizted by CZT Terri Brown. I had used Lealad before in a swap and really liked it. The other 2 tangles were new to me so I had fun learning. With a little more practice they will start looking better for me. Submitted for your approval! Today I'm working in the studio getting ready to attend a retreat this weekend. I will still find loads of time to work in a tangle or two between tasks. Have a great day and tangle on! Terri  

A Colourful Challenge

I am an early riser. What can I say? Might as well get up and tangle for a while. And that's what I did since I already watched Downton Abbey last night. Good season opener. I didn't want to show the mess I created in the bathroom this morning I submit this tangle as my daily challenge to create something. Daily challenge for Monday I am still having trouble writing 2015 as you can tell by my signature. I need to go back and correct that to TY 15. I also did the challenge from I am the Diva . I had to use the tangle Hitch from HeidiSue. I also used another tangle from HeidiSue called Concert. Hitch within Hitch with Concert in the supporting section! I'm off to work on my tangle*a*day calendar . I am still working on Sundays picture so they might have to run together! Isn't that exciting! And I get to mail my little glitter swaps this morning. Back to the tea party Terri

Daily Challenge

Whimsy by Kelly has challenged the world to create daily and post it. I've been working on several things this morning and finished several of them. This is one of the coolest things I've done in a while. I laid the template out and proceeded to draw Ricks Paradox . I understand this tangle now and am pleased with how my project turned out. Rick's Paradox done in a 16 sided ball. I have something interesting to work on for another challenge day. Just need to decide what to put on it...Curious aren't you. You'll just have to check back soon. Off to create some more havoc in the studio. Tangle on, my friends! Terri

tangle*a*day calendar

I am an early riser. Just ask anyone who has ever roomed with me. I usually serve them coffee in bed but I digress. Morning is my quiet time to read emails, surf the web, read blogs and journey down rabbit holes. I also look for inspiration for my tangles. I am now keeping a tangle*a*day calendar. I love this way of expressing myself on a small platform yet will be something to keep forever and pass on to the kids (if they want it). I figure I will be famous after I die and all my artwork will be worth millions! ROFLOL Anyway here is what I've accomplished so far. Jan 1 I tried out a tangle that I hadn't done before. Schway. I like this tangle because it made me think about how we look at the past yet look to the future. I like to move forward and grow. Learn how to draw Schway. Schway Jan 2 This morning I borrowed the leaf idea from Dover Publications . On Fridays they send out a sampler of downloads from several books. This is a free thing on their website that...