Baby, it's cold outside!

Many of my friends are covered in snow and ice and tons of cold winter weather right now. I have lived all over the United States of America and I can honestly say been there, done that.

I live in South Texas and we experience cold weather once in a while. Our winter's are mild and I've seen it snow here one time in 2004. That was wonderful! Snow fell over our city on Christmas Eve and everybody woke to a 6-10" snowfall. It was really nice because it was all gone by Christmas night. No dirty snow, no sludge, just beautiful!

So far this winter we are having cold days more often. It has been in the lower to mid 40's, cloudy and windy. Sprinkle in a few days of weather in the 50's and sunshine just to get our hopes up for the 70 degree weather. But I like it!

Today's high is 47, cloudy with 20mph winds out of the northeast. 60% chance of rain.

I love it!

So in honor of the cold winds blowing around me I played with a tutorial from A Little Lime. I love this tangle and have yet to make it look anything like Helen's. So this is my version and I submit it as my challenge on Whimsey by Kelly for your approval.

Swirley. It sort of looks like snow...

I'm off to the Itty Bitty Retreat. More on that Monday at my other site The Life of Terri, CZT


  1. This is a nice tile. Helen is on my "Man, I want to be like Mike" list.

  2. That looks great. I wanna try that too! :-)


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