It's Alive!

At least that is what once person said about the Zendala I posted on Facebook.

Today I played around with an idea one of my fellow CZT's shared with us.

I created a Zendala. There are plenty of patterns on Pinterest and other sites. I used one from The Bright Owl.

My finished Zendala

Next I made 2 copies of the finished Zendala. I cut out 1 and left it whole. The next layer I cut off the long triangular shade and the half circle shapes. I made 2 copies of this piece.

Then I cut off the larger outer triangles pieces. From the remaining piece I cut the barber-pole pieces and the center piece.

I put pop-dots between the layers and stacked them. I curved the little barber-pole pieces slightly for more depth.
Side view shows the slight elevation of each level.

I will be mounting this piece (with pop dots on the back) to a piece of black background and putting it in a square frame.

The barber-pole pieces really stand out.

I also used my glitter pen and added little touches the the paradox in the center, the little dots on the Huggins and centers of the Diva Dance Rock n Roll.

So there you have it. That's what I've been doing between getting my hair cut, oil changed, visiting the local library and hang out with my hubby!

Back to create some more tangles!


  1. Very pretty and innovative. I have yet to do a zendala. I think they are pretty but I have a little block somewhere. I had printed out copies of the Zendala dares about 18 months ago and never did anything of substance. If I still have them they will be part of my project for the year (see my word on whimsybykelly).


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