A Colourful Challenge

I am an early riser. What can I say? Might as well get up and tangle for a while. And that's what I did since I already watched Downton Abbey last night. Good season opener.

I didn't want to show the mess I created in the bathroom this morning I submit this tangle as my daily challenge to create something.

Daily challenge for Monday
I am still having trouble writing 2015 as you can tell by my signature. I need to go back and correct that to TY 15.

I also did the challenge from I am the Diva. I had to use the tangle Hitch from HeidiSue. I also used another tangle from HeidiSue called Concert.

Hitch within Hitch with Concert in the supporting section!

I'm off to work on my tangle*a*day calendar. I am still working on Sundays picture so they might have to run together! Isn't that exciting! And I get to mail my little glitter swaps this morning.

Back to the tea party



  1. I love it! Hitched all surrounded by concert...and actually, I'm honored that you found and used concert, too. It is my favorite pattern that I"ve developed, and I love the depth your shading gives it. Lovely work!

    1. Heidi, I thought they complimented each other so well I had to use them. Thanks!

  2. Very nicely done; both of them. I like that little touch of color too.

    1. Jean, I think a splash of color always adds some excitement to the picture! Thank you for viewing.

  3. I need to check out "concert" and I see you worked some paradox in there too. I'm just starting to get the hang of that one. Nice job---regardless of what the bathroom looks like ;-) Thanks for not spilling the beans on Downton Abbey. I just finished watching season #4 and I recorded episode one of season #5, but I haven't seen it yet.

    1. Thanks Suzanne.
      I love Downton Abbey. And the Outlander! Paradox took me a little while to understand but now I know how to make it behave! It is a fun and impressive tangle.
      PS I have since cleaned the bathroom...

  4. Both are absolutely gorgeous! I like your way of shading!! Very nicely done!

    1. Thank you LonettA, I think shading is what brings it all together!

  5. Very lovely tiles. Thank you for pointing out Concert, I have to try that one.


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